
Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station

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Daily Report for the month of July 2024

1 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 95.5°F
Average humidity 12%
Average dewpoint 26.9°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.8 mph
Average gustspeed 3.4 mph
Average direction 41° (NE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 01 at 00:00
Maximum temperature 112.2°F on 01 at 16:29
Minimum temperature 77.0°F on 01 at 05:56
Maximum humidity 34% on 01 at 05:45
Minimum humidity 3% on 01 at 19:40
Maximum pressure 29.637 in. on 01 at 08:13
Minimum pressure 29.440 in. on 01 at 17:55
Maximum windspeed 15.0 mph on 01 at 16:58
Maximum gust speed 20.7 mph from 165 °(SSE) on 01 at 16:57
Maximum heat index 102.8°F on 01 at 16:29

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2 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 96.6°F
Average humidity 12%
Average dewpoint 26.7°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 1.4 mph
Average gustspeed 2.6 mph
Average direction 52° (NE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 02 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 112.9°F on 02 at 15:43
Minimum temperature 75.1°F on 02 at 06:15
Maximum humidity 38% on 02 at 06:15
Minimum humidity 3% on 02 at 19:30
Maximum pressure 29.562 in. on 02 at 08:54
Minimum pressure 29.435 in. on 02 at 18:13
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 02 at 12:41
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 084 °(E) on 02 at 14:23
Maximum heat index 103.2°F on 02 at 15:43

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3 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 97.4°F
Average humidity 19%
Average dewpoint 44.2°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.7 mph
Average gustspeed 3.2 mph
Average direction 61° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 03 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 113.1°F on 03 at 15:02
Minimum temperature 80.2°F on 03 at 06:10
Maximum humidity 40% on 03 at 06:09
Minimum humidity 4% on 03 at 16:14
Maximum pressure 29.675 in. on 03 at 08:49
Minimum pressure 29.511 in. on 03 at 02:50
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 03 at 18:28
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 163 °(SSE) on 03 at 17:14
Maximum heat index 106.0°F on 03 at 17:07

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4 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 99.2°F
Average humidity 22%
Average dewpoint 51.4°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.5 mph
Average gustspeed 2.9 mph
Average direction 89° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 04 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 113.3°F on 04 at 16:33
Minimum temperature 83.3°F on 04 at 05:51
Maximum humidity 40% on 04 at 09:03
Minimum humidity 9% on 04 at 14:30
Maximum pressure 29.696 in. on 04 at 08:14
Minimum pressure 29.522 in. on 04 at 18:47
Maximum windspeed 5.8 mph on 04 at 17:02
Maximum gust speed 10.4 mph from 127 °(SE) on 04 at 17:00
Maximum heat index 109.6°F on 04 at 16:36

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5 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 103.9°F
Average humidity 17%
Average dewpoint 39.9°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 1.4 mph
Average gustspeed 2.7 mph
Average direction 89° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 05 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 124.7°F on 05 at 15:46
Minimum temperature 84.5°F on 05 at 06:25
Maximum humidity 40% on 05 at 07:07
Minimum humidity 3% on 05 at 20:13
Maximum pressure 29.593 in. on 05 at 10:33
Minimum pressure 29.421 in. on 05 at 18:15
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 05 at 16:21
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 238 °(WSW) on 05 at 17:18
Maximum heat index 110.7°F on 05 at 15:46

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6 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 99.8°F
Average humidity 20%
Average dewpoint 50.1°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 1.8 mph
Average gustspeed 3.4 mph
Average direction 78° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 06 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 113.2°F on 06 at 15:36
Minimum temperature 86.3°F on 06 at 06:08
Maximum humidity 39% on 06 at 07:08
Minimum humidity 9% on 06 at 14:40
Maximum pressure 29.609 in. on 06 at 08:24
Minimum pressure 29.485 in. on 06 at 00:49
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 06 at 16:07
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 065 °(ENE) on 06 at 16:07
Maximum heat index 109.8°F on 06 at 14:17

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7 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 99.7°F
Average humidity 24%
Average dewpoint 53.2°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 1.3 mph
Average gustspeed 2.6 mph
Average direction 67° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 07 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 116.0°F on 07 at 15:53
Minimum temperature 84.2°F on 07 at 05:39
Maximum humidity 42% on 07 at 06:32
Minimum humidity 8% on 07 at 19:03
Maximum pressure 29.619 in. on 07 at 09:25
Minimum pressure 29.432 in. on 07 at 18:20
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 07 at 09:34
Maximum gust speed 10.4 mph from 136 °(SE) on 07 at 11:26
Maximum heat index 113.6°F on 07 at 14:51

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8 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 101.8°F
Average humidity 19%
Average dewpoint 43.1°F
Average barometer 29.4 in.
Average windspeed 1.6 mph
Average gustspeed 3.0 mph
Average direction 27° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 08 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 122.3°F on 08 at 16:29
Minimum temperature 83.1°F on 08 at 06:01
Maximum humidity 44% on 08 at 06:34
Minimum humidity 3% on 08 at 19:28
Maximum pressure 29.504 in. on 08 at 08:22
Minimum pressure 29.359 in. on 08 at 17:44
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 08 at 18:30
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 333 °(NNW) on 08 at 18:30
Maximum heat index 110.3°F on 08 at 13:00

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9 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 100.0°F
Average humidity 20%
Average dewpoint 45.8°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 1.6 mph
Average gustspeed 2.9 mph
Average direction 67° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 09 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 116.0°F on 09 at 17:28
Minimum temperature 82.9°F on 09 at 06:18
Maximum humidity 42% on 09 at 06:17
Minimum humidity 3% on 09 at 17:56
Maximum pressure 29.570 in. on 09 at 09:19
Minimum pressure 29.429 in. on 09 at 18:04
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 09 at 15:24
Maximum gust speed 10.4 mph from 096 °(E) on 09 at 15:09
Maximum heat index 110.3°F on 09 at 14:13

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10 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 100.7°F
Average humidity 20%
Average dewpoint 46.1°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.8 mph
Average gustspeed 3.3 mph
Average direction 80° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 10 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 116.2°F on 10 at 16:51
Minimum temperature 86.2°F on 10 at 06:08
Maximum humidity 43% on 10 at 06:15
Minimum humidity 3% on 10 at 19:01
Maximum pressure 29.641 in. on 10 at 07:35
Minimum pressure 29.483 in. on 10 at 18:12
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 10 at 12:39
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 116 °(ESE) on 10 at 14:55
Maximum heat index 110.2°F on 10 at 14:07

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11 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 100.8°F
Average humidity 17%
Average dewpoint 41.3°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 1.6 mph
Average gustspeed 3.1 mph
Average direction 81° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 11 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 117.6°F on 11 at 15:25
Minimum temperature 85.2°F on 11 at 06:31
Maximum humidity 43% on 11 at 06:32
Minimum humidity 3% on 11 at 19:37
Maximum pressure 29.637 in. on 11 at 08:20
Minimum pressure 29.453 in. on 11 at 17:51
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 11 at 17:18
Maximum gust speed 10.4 mph from 113 °(ESE) on 11 at 18:51
Maximum heat index 109.2°F on 11 at 15:20

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12 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 99.4°F
Average humidity 20%
Average dewpoint 50.4°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.4 mph
Average gustspeed 4.3 mph
Average direction 72° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 3.62 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 12 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 113.0°F on 12 at 14:14
Minimum temperature 88.7°F on 12 at 06:03
Maximum humidity 32% on 12 at 06:55
Minimum humidity 11% on 12 at 10:29
Maximum pressure 29.608 in. on 12 at 07:28
Minimum pressure 29.505 in. on 12 at 17:38
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 12 at 14:33
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 138 °(SE) on 12 at 15:00
Maximum heat index 109.4°F on 12 at 14:14

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13 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 96.4°F
Average humidity 27%
Average dewpoint 55.5°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.7 mph
Average gustspeed 3.2 mph
Average direction 66° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.03 in.
Rainfall for year 3.65 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 13 at 08:55
Maximum temperature 107.9°F on 13 at 16:55
Minimum temperature 85.8°F on 13 at 06:51
Maximum humidity 51% on 13 at 09:05
Minimum humidity 13% on 13 at 17:31
Maximum pressure 29.752 in. on 13 at 08:55
Minimum pressure 29.579 in. on 13 at 02:25
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 13 at 13:01
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 109 °(ESE) on 13 at 11:28
Maximum heat index 105.0°F on 13 at 16:53

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14 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 90.8°F
Average humidity 39%
Average dewpoint 62.1°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.8 mph
Average gustspeed 3.4 mph
Average direction 102° (ESE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 14 at 14:40
Maximum temperature 102.6°F on 14 at 12:35
Minimum temperature 85.0°F on 14 at 04:53
Maximum humidity 57% on 14 at 06:46
Minimum humidity 26% on 14 at 00:24
Maximum pressure 29.809 in. on 14 at 06:49
Minimum pressure 29.665 in. on 14 at 18:51
Maximum windspeed 13.8 mph on 14 at 15:11
Maximum gust speed 23.0 mph from 169 °(S) on 14 at 15:10
Maximum heat index 106.5°F on 14 at 12:32

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15 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 95.4°F
Average humidity 29%
Average dewpoint 55.8°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.7 mph
Average gustspeed 3.2 mph
Average direction 120° (ESE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 15 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 109.3°F on 15 at 14:12
Minimum temperature 82.8°F on 15 at 06:06
Maximum humidity 47% on 15 at 08:25
Minimum humidity 11% on 15 at 17:36
Maximum pressure 29.775 in. on 15 at 07:54
Minimum pressure 29.575 in. on 15 at 19:08
Maximum windspeed 11.5 mph on 15 at 14:43
Maximum gust speed 19.6 mph from 200 °(SSW) on 15 at 14:37
Maximum heat index 108.6°F on 15 at 14:09

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16 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 97.7°F
Average humidity 21%
Average dewpoint 47.9°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.3 mph
Average gustspeed 4.2 mph
Average direction 49° (NE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 16 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 113.4°F on 16 at 15:09
Minimum temperature 82.5°F on 16 at 06:08
Maximum humidity 41% on 16 at 05:31
Minimum humidity 8% on 16 at 16:59
Maximum pressure 29.689 in. on 16 at 07:36
Minimum pressure 29.530 in. on 16 at 18:20
Maximum windspeed 11.5 mph on 16 at 16:37
Maximum gust speed 18.4 mph from 355 °(N) on 16 at 16:36
Maximum heat index 107.7°F on 16 at 14:56

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17 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 97.6°F
Average humidity 21%
Average dewpoint 48.5°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.7 mph
Average gustspeed 3.2 mph
Average direction 82° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 17 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 112.9°F on 17 at 15:49
Minimum temperature 83.1°F on 17 at 05:49
Maximum humidity 39% on 17 at 05:51
Minimum humidity 7% on 17 at 15:49
Maximum pressure 29.719 in. on 17 at 09:20
Minimum pressure 29.546 in. on 17 at 17:19
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 17 at 17:21
Maximum gust speed 12.7 mph from 083 °(E) on 17 at 16:24
Maximum heat index 106.9°F on 17 at 13:17

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18 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 98.9°F
Average humidity 19%
Average dewpoint 46.6°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.0 mph
Average gustspeed 3.6 mph
Average direction 79° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 18 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 110.8°F on 18 at 16:48
Minimum temperature 85.0°F on 18 at 06:22
Maximum humidity 36% on 18 at 06:23
Minimum humidity 6% on 18 at 22:14
Maximum pressure 29.705 in. on 18 at 12:03
Minimum pressure 29.576 in. on 18 at 18:02
Maximum windspeed 12.7 mph on 18 at 12:23
Maximum gust speed 18.4 mph from 110 °(ESE) on 18 at 12:04
Maximum heat index 108.2°F on 18 at 16:48

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19 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 100.8°F
Average humidity 13%
Average dewpoint 34.7°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.4 mph
Average gustspeed 4.1 mph
Average direction 28° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 19 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 116.5°F on 19 at 15:00
Minimum temperature 84.8°F on 19 at 06:02
Maximum humidity 34% on 19 at 07:04
Minimum humidity 3% on 19 at 19:40
Maximum pressure 29.694 in. on 19 at 07:58
Minimum pressure 29.540 in. on 19 at 18:13
Maximum windspeed 11.5 mph on 19 at 18:17
Maximum gust speed 18.4 mph from 330 °(NNW) on 19 at 18:11
Maximum heat index 108.2°F on 19 at 13:27

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20 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 102.2°F
Average humidity 12%
Average dewpoint 30.9°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.0 mph
Average gustspeed 3.6 mph
Average direction 66° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 20 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 116.2°F on 20 at 15:59
Minimum temperature 85.1°F on 20 at 05:45
Maximum humidity 29% on 20 at 07:22
Minimum humidity 3% on 20 at 18:38
Maximum pressure 29.651 in. on 20 at 09:09
Minimum pressure 29.508 in. on 20 at 18:55
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 20 at 12:51
Maximum gust speed 13.8 mph from 126 °(SE) on 20 at 13:06
Maximum heat index 106.1°F on 20 at 13:28

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21 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 101.3°F
Average humidity 16%
Average dewpoint 44.8°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.2 mph
Average gustspeed 3.9 mph
Average direction 89° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 21 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 115.6°F on 21 at 15:20
Minimum temperature 89.2°F on 21 at 05:47
Maximum humidity 38% on 21 at 09:00
Minimum humidity 7% on 21 at 15:29
Maximum pressure 29.657 in. on 21 at 08:03
Minimum pressure 29.475 in. on 21 at 18:12
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 21 at 16:29
Maximum gust speed 12.7 mph from 155 °(SSE) on 21 at 18:55
Maximum heat index 109.5°F on 21 at 13:29

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22 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 99.9°F
Average humidity 20%
Average dewpoint 50.5°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.9 mph
Average gustspeed 3.4 mph
Average direction 94° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 22 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 111.0°F on 22 at 14:16
Minimum temperature 86.8°F on 22 at 06:21
Maximum humidity 32% on 22 at 06:55
Minimum humidity 14% on 22 at 17:05
Maximum pressure 29.627 in. on 22 at 07:56
Minimum pressure 29.458 in. on 22 at 18:15
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 22 at 14:10
Maximum gust speed 12.7 mph from 097 °(E) on 22 at 14:10
Maximum heat index 109.5°F on 22 at 13:59

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23 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 102.1°F
Average humidity 19%
Average dewpoint 51.3°F
Average barometer 29.6 in.
Average windspeed 2.0 mph
Average gustspeed 3.5 mph
Average direction 59° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 23 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 115.3°F on 23 at 13:41
Minimum temperature 88.2°F on 23 at 06:06
Maximum humidity 31% on 23 at 06:09
Minimum humidity 10% on 23 at 17:56
Maximum pressure 29.653 in. on 23 at 23:56
Minimum pressure 29.545 in. on 23 at 00:02
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 23 at 19:26
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 336 °(NNW) on 23 at 20:57
Maximum heat index 112.2°F on 23 at 15:56

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24 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 101.9°F
Average humidity 21%
Average dewpoint 53.4°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.6 mph
Average gustspeed 3.0 mph
Average direction 74° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 24 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 114.8°F on 24 at 13:34
Minimum temperature 88.4°F on 24 at 06:24
Maximum humidity 37% on 24 at 06:18
Minimum humidity 11% on 24 at 13:38
Maximum pressure 29.752 in. on 24 at 08:56
Minimum pressure 29.630 in. on 24 at 18:42
Maximum windspeed 10.4 mph on 24 at 14:51
Maximum gust speed 17.3 mph from 059 °(ENE) on 24 at 14:50
Maximum heat index 112.8°F on 24 at 14:50

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25 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 102.9°F
Average humidity 19%
Average dewpoint 47.1°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.9 mph
Average gustspeed 3.4 mph
Average direction 38° (NE)
Rainfall for month 0.08 in.
Rainfall for year 3.70 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 25 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 118.4°F on 25 at 16:51
Minimum temperature 87.6°F on 25 at 06:13
Maximum humidity 35% on 25 at 07:15
Minimum humidity 5% on 25 at 18:42
Maximum pressure 29.761 in. on 25 at 08:21
Minimum pressure 29.556 in. on 25 at 18:39
Maximum windspeed 10.4 mph on 25 at 17:29
Maximum gust speed 17.3 mph from 333 °(NNW) on 25 at 17:29
Maximum heat index 112.4°F on 25 at 12:23

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Average and Extremes for Month of July 2024 up to day 25
Average temperature 99.3°F
Average humidity 20%
Average dewpoint 45.9°F
Average barometer 29.587 in.
Average windspeed 1.8 mph
Average gustspeed 3.3 mph
Average direction 70° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.081 in.
Rainfall for year 3.726 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.011 in on 14 at 14:40
Maximum temperature 124.7°F on 05 at 15:46
Minimum temperature 75.1°F on 02 at 06:15
Maximum humidity 57% on 14 at 06:46
Minimum humidity 3% on 20 at 18:38
Maximum pressure 29.81 in. on 14 at 06:49
Minimum pressure 29.36 in. on 08 at 17:44
Maximum windspeed 15.0 mph from 165°(SSE) on 01 at 16:58
Maximum gust speed 23.0 mph from 180°(S) on 14 at 15:10
Maximum heat index 113.6°F on 07 at 14:51
Avg daily max temp114.2°F
Avg daily min temp84.4°F
Growing degrees days912.5 GDD

Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV
01 09:12hrs ET :0.402 in. 940.0 W/m² 8.0 uv
02 09:00hrs ET :0.366 in. 939.0 W/m² 8.3 uv
03 08:36hrs ET :0.366 in. 911.0 W/m² 8.4 uv
04 08:36hrs ET :0.343 in. 900.0 W/m² 8.1 uv
05 08:48hrs ET :0.386 in. 930.0 W/m² 7.9 uv
06 08:42hrs ET :0.366 in. 916.0 W/m² 7.9 uv
07 08:30hrs ET :0.346 in. 905.0 W/m² 7.9 uv
08 08:24hrs ET :0.398 in. 909.0 W/m² 7.5 uv
09 08:12hrs ET :0.362 in. 909.0 W/m² 7.5 uv
10 08:24hrs ET :0.398 in. 900.0 W/m² 7.1 uv
11 06:54hrs ET :0.331 in. 1051.0 W/m² 7.0 uv
12 07:24hrs ET :0.346 in. 1032.0 W/m² 7.2 uv
13 04:30hrs ET :0.315 in. 1194.0 W/m² 8.6 uv
14 05:24hrs ET :0.264 in. 1018.0 W/m² 8.2 uv
15 08:06hrs ET :0.335 in. 1132.0 W/m² 9.2 uv
16 08:48hrs ET :0.402 in. 937.0 W/m² 8.9 uv
17 08:24hrs ET :0.315 in. 1020.0 W/m² 8.4 uv
18 08:36hrs ET :0.346 in. 939.0 W/m² 8.5 uv
19 08:48hrs ET :0.386 in. 919.0 W/m² 8.6 uv
20 08:54hrs ET :0.394 in. 930.0 W/m² 8.6 uv
21 08:18hrs ET :0.402 in. 947.0 W/m² 8.4 uv
22 07:42hrs ET :0.354 in. 1027.0 W/m² 8.6 uv
23 07:24hrs ET :0.350 in. 1011.0 W/m² 8.4 uv
24 06:24hrs ET :0.283 in. 1092.0 W/m² 8.0 uv
25 08:30hrs ET :0.366 in. 918.0 W/m² 8.2 uv

Daily Rain Totals
00.03 in. on 13
00.05 in. on 14